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How to Make Tour Trees Grow Faster in 6 Easy Steps

1- Choose the Right Species

If you’re planning to plant trees from scratch, the first vital thing is to pick the right species. Typically, this depends on: 1The climate you’re living in 2The type of soil 3 The aesthetics you’re seeking 4 The tree’s growth rate

2- Test Your Soil

When the soil’s pH is too low or too high, the trees are unable to absorb the nutrients present in it. You need a soil test to pinpoint exactly how to balance out the pH level. That way, you won’t have to play guessing games to discover why your plants aren’t growing.

3- Ensure Your Trees Have Space

Remember, trees need ample space to grow and thrive. Proper spacing is critical to: 1- Healthy root and canopy development 2- Nutrient absorption 3- Reduced competition with other trees and shrubs

4- Water Your Trees Enough

As obvious as this may seem, providing your trees with adequate amounts of water can make a significant difference in their size. Without enough moisture, chances are your trees will become stunted. That said, you must be careful not to drown your trees. Excess water can effectively kill them by cutting off the air supply to the roots.

5- Add a Layer of Mulch Around the Trees

Spreading a layer of mulch around your trees can support its growth big time. Not only does mulch improve water retention, but it also adds nutrients to the soil.

6- Prune Your Trees Periodically

Tree trimming and pruning stimulate growth, but only if done correctly. It is a great way to remove dead branches and allow room for new growth. Additionally, lopping off diseased and infected tree limbs safeguards the entire plant against a full-blown infestation.



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